The Back Story
Thanks for joining us! I'm Trey Rigby. I am a Jesus follower, husband, father of 2, and passionate bird dog owner and hunter/ fisherman. In 2012 my wife and I had a vision to set up a platform offering top quality hunting dog merchandise to the public. If you're passionate, why not celebrate it, right?
Since I have worked closely in the outdoor industry since 2003, I have developed deep relationships with many guides, outfitters, blind companies, ranches, wildlife managers, taxidermists, processors, rifle companies, ammunition companies, outdoor retail, and many more. I sell promotional products and logo merchandise to hundreds of customers across the country.
I have hunted deer, hogs, and upland birds my entire life. In recent years I've developed a new passion for chasing the beautiful, exotic, and tough axis deer. I realized quickly during my information search that the Texas exotic industry desperately needed good public info about how to hunt axis deer. Simply put, they are a different animal. My goal is to pursue, educate, conserve, prepare wild game meals, and share knowledge with other hunters. All the while, supporting our Texas hunters and my beloved customers in the outdoor industry.
I hope you enjoy our creative, top-quality merchandise and I am here to help you learn and celebrate your outdoor experience.
Thanks for your business, and happy hunting!
- Trey Rigby, Owner